Save the date! ‘Old Roads, New technologies’ conference January 2025

Event, News - Published: 1 July 2024

Roads are the lifeblood of the modern society and economy—for daily commuting, weekend getaways and the smooth transport of goods. But Europe’s roads are old. To safeguard their future by monitoring and maintaining their condition in ways that support public and road-worker safety, the EU-funded projects OMICRON and InfraROB have developed various intelligent road asset management solutions. These will be showcased in a one-day, free-of-charge conference that welcomes representatives of transport authorities, road operators, construction companies, engineering and material supplier companies, research entities, associations, media organisations, policymakers and anyone else who’s interested in finding out more. Save the date and come and join us in Madrid from 09:00-18:00 CET on 16 January 2025!

The event ‘Old Roads, New Technologies: safe and intelligent road asset management’ is co-organised by OMICRON and InfraROB. The EU-funded HERON project will also feature during the day, along with an exhibition of key technologies from all three projects.

This EU ‘sister-project’ collaborative event will highlight mutual areas of focus and the benefits of project results, extend discussions to include relevant issues and guest speakers, and will consider potential next steps for Europe’s roads.

The day will explore relevant project and bigger-picture developments following four key thematic areas:

  • digital inspection technologies, e.g. using UAVs or car-mounted equipment;
  • smart construction, e.g. of bridges and urban pavements;
  • predictive maintenance, e.g. with a Digital Twin and Decision Support System;
  • smart intervention, e.g. with the support of virtual or augmented reality (VR, AR) and robotics.

The preliminary agenda is under development and will be shared in a further announcement in the coming few months.

Why take part?

‘Old Roads, New Technologies’ will be the final event of the OMICRON and InfraROB projects. The day will include:

  • opportunities to network with diverse experts from among the project consortia and participating audience, representing all kinds of players in Europe’s road sectors and value chains;
  • the chance for direct information and follow-up about the solutions presented;
  • the opportunity to contribute to wider discussion that could help set the agenda for future collaboration and developments in the relevant sectors;
  • experience the historic Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (College of Engineers for Roads, Canals and Ports) in the heart of Madrid.


Participation is free of charge. Only registered participants will have access to the event. The event will be face-to-face only, without the possibility of live online participation, though materials such as presentations and (possibly) session videos will be published afterwards.

  • Registration will open on 16 September 2024 and will close on 9 January 2025 at 23:59 CET.

If you have any questions or otherwise wish to contact the organisers, please email:

Spread the word!

Please help OMICRON, InfraROB and HERON to reach a wider audience for this event by spreading the word:


Tweets by @H2020omicron

Excited that our final event is shaping up & looking forward to confirming all speakers soon!
Why join this ...🆓-of-charge, 1-day #conference on 16 Jan 2025 in Madrid?
All details via @infra_rob's link or OMICRON's event page:👉

#SmartRoads #Future #Roads

Image for twitter card

FINAL EVENT - Omicron project

Register Agenda Venue Accommodation Queries Share 16/01/2025 09:00-18:00 Colegio de Ingenieros de CCP Madrid, Spain Meet...

We're meeting @Standards4EU, supported by @NormasUNE, on 7 October to kick-start 2 #standardisation deliverables under ...the theme ‘Intelligent Road intervention processes’.
All details via:👉
Watch this space for updates!
#innovation #SmartRoads #workshop

Register for 'Old Roads, New Technologies', final event of @H2020Omicron & @infra_rob with @HERON_H2020! 🚨
...Explore intelligent road asset management solutions. #SmartRoads
🗓️ 16 Jan 2025, Madrid
🔗 All details:
#Innovation #Future #Roads #conference

Our final demo-site took place a few weeks ago on the A1 highway Florence-Bologna.
The OMICRON technologies that we ...developed in the past 3.5 years were successfully tested, incl. most of the technologies & digital developments using information coming from previous demos.

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