Digital inspection technologies
The main objective of the project was to reduce the exposure of personnel to traffic and improve road network availability. OMICRON developed an array of robotic solutions with drones and automatic inspection vehicles to make road inspections fast and safe.
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – drones
Drones are an ideal solution for the robotisation of road inspections. OMICRON developed solutions to enable the coordination of multiple inspection drones. This way we can increase inspection efficiency, reliability and the covered area. OMICRON also developed Detect & Avoid technologies for these drones, to further enhance the safe application of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) over long distances. These technologies were used to create high-quality aerial images and 3D maps of the road infrastructure, fed to the Road Digital Twin.
- Dedicated Terrestrial Inspection Vehicles
This system uses a new vehicle sensor combination formed by a mini laser scanner, a mini computer-vision camera and a mini near-infrared camera to capture the state of the pavement and surrounding road structures. With all the information collected, it computes traditional road inspection parameters in an automated way, via the use of Artificial Intelligence algorithms.
- V2X communication
Vehicle-Infrastructure communication technologies are systems that provide the necessary information for a road control centre. The system will inform road users about maintenance unit locations, traffic state, safety warnings, weather, smart routing or vehicle speed limits, among other things.

Download the OMICRON inspection solutions factsheet (Web-friendly pdf or print-quality version).

Predictive maintenance
The predictive maintenance-enabling project developments consists of two highly inter-connected technologies: the Road Digital Twin and the Decision Support Tool.
- Road Digital Twin
The Road Digital Twin is a digital representation of the infrastructure. The data to populate the digital twin comes from digital inspections and other external sources such as weather and traffic. OMICRON collected the outputs of the digital inspection technologies in the following manner: the road inspection vehicle provided a detailed representation of the pavement and surrounding signalling assets, while the UAVs provided an overall view of the rest of the infrastructure including bridges, earthworks and surrounding structures. Using all of this information and knowledge, full support is provided to the management of road intervention actions and the Decision Support Tool.
- Decision Support Tool
The Decision Support Tool supports the analysis of the information captured and stored by the Digital Twin. It applies optimisation and Artificial Intelligence techniques to evaluate infrastructure conditions and plan road intervention actions.

Download the OMICRON predictive maintenance solutions factsheet (Web-friendly pdf or print-quality version).

Smart intervention and maintenance
OMICRON used robotic, automation and digitalisation technologies to enhance road maintenance works. This area of the project developed and demonstrated various technologies, including:
- Modular Robotic Platform
An innovative Modular Robotic Platform was designed and developed to support multiple road maintenance actions. The platform supports emergency interventions, routine interventions and extraordinary interventions. This robotic platform is tele-operated with a web-based Virtual Reality platform. It can install road signals, clean traffic signals and lights, install safety barriers, remove horizontal markings and seal pavements cracks.
- VR and AR technologies
OMICRON developed Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality-based tools to support road workers in various tasks, aiming to reduce hazards related to machinery and traffic conditions.
- Smart Pavement Rehabilitation
Combined digital and automated solutions were developed to support the replacement of surface pavement layers. They enhance pavement overlay, extension, compaction and human-operator decision making, meanwhile fostering the use of Asphalt for Ultra-Thin Layers.

Download the OMICRON road intervention & maintenance solutions factsheet (Web-friendly pdf or print-quality version).

Smart construction
OMICRON developed pre-manufactured structural components and connections for road construction as well as automation technologies to support the process. This results in faster and more efficient road and bridge construction, and reduced traffic disruptions

Download the OMICRON bridge retrofitting solutions factsheet (Web-friendly pdf or print-quality version).