- 16/01/2025
- 09:00-18:00
- Madrid, Spain
- Meet face-to-face
- 0 – Free of charge
- Register by 9 Jan!
- #SmartRoads
Roads are the lifeblood of the modern society and economy—for daily commuting, weekend getaways and the smooth transport of goods. But Europe’s roads are old. To safeguard their future by monitoring and maintaining their condition in ways that support public and road-worker safety, the EU-funded projects OMICRON and InfraROB have developed various intelligent road asset management solutions. These were showcased in a one-day, free-of-charge conference — ‘Old Roads, New Technologies: safe and intelligent road asset management’.
We welcomed representatives of transport authorities, road operators, concessionaires, construction companies, engineering and material supplier companies, research entities, associations, media organisations, policymakers and regulators, and anyone else interested in finding out more.
Old roads, new technologies
This collaborative event ‘Old Roads, New Technologies: safe and intelligent road asset management’ explored four key themes:
- Digital inspection technologies — e.g. UAVs and car-mounted equipment;
- Smart construction — e.g. of bridges and urban pavements;
- Predictive maintenance — e.g. using a Digital Twin and Decision Support System;
- Smart intervention — e.g. with the support of virtual or augmented reality (VR, AR) and robotics.
- Safe intervention – e.g. V2X communication & remote piloting.
Why take part?
‘Old Roads, New Technologies’ was the final event of the OMICRON and InfraROB projects. The day included opportunities to:
- network with diverse experts from the projects and audience, representing all kinds of players in Europe’s road sectors and value chains;
- get direct information and follow-up about the solutions presented in the sessions and the breaktime exhibition;
- contribute your views and help set the agenda for future collaboration and developments in the relevant sectors;
- experience the historic heart of Madrid venue, the Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (College of Engineers for Roads, Canals and Ports).
Organised by ‘sister-projects’ OMICRON and InfraROB, the event featured HERON project, highlighting mutual areas of focus, results and benefits. Partners and guests discussed developments, bigger-picture challenges and next steps for Europe’s roads.
- Introducing InfraROB (pdf)
- Introducing OMICRON (pdf)
- Roads – the EU and research perspective (pdf)
- Roads – the Spanish perspective (pdf)
- UAV inspection of roads and critical assets – Uni. Seville (pdf)
- UAV inspection of roads and critical assets – Catec (pdf)
- PointPix pavement inspection system (pdf)
- Fibre-optic sensors (pdf)
Session videos
Noemi is Director of the Research & Innovation department of CEMOSA. She joined there as an external consultant in 2007 and has been full time since 2010, on leave from the University of Malaga where she had been a researcher and lecturer (1993), an Assistant Professor (1999) and an Associate Professor (2001). She holds a MSc and a PhD in Industrial Engineering and worked as a researcher for Instituto de Investigación Técnologica (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas) from 1992–1993. She has been a member of the Governing Board of Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking since it was launched in 2021 and a member of the Board of Fundación San Telmo (San Telmo Business School) since 2024. Contributing to more resilient, more sustainable and better managed infrastructures is CEMOSA’s mission and the main focus of the R&I team Noemi leads: OMICRON is an example of such endeavours.
Pedro is a Professor at the University of Vigo and co-founder of the CINTECX Research Centre. He leads the GeoTECH group, pioneering GeoIntelligence and technologies such as mobile laser scanning. He has directed 30 competitive projects, including H2020 and HE projects like SAFEWAY, InfraROB, and SUM4Re, securing €7.25 million in funding. He also has over 250 publications and 6,9000 citations, making him a leading figure in Mobile Mapping Systems and Smart Infrastructures. Among other achievements, he has transferred knowledge to the private sector, co-founded the spin-off INSITU, registered 12 patents and received awards such as the 2024 Torres Quevedo Award and the Technology Transfer Award from the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences.
Alejandro is a Senior Technician with the General Directorate of Roads (DGC) in the Spanish Ministry of Transportation and Sustainable Mobility. He has been focusing on innovation and digitalisation since he joined the ministry in 2021, first at the CEDEX Center for Transportation Studies. He is a State Corps of Civil Engineers professional with a Master’s degree in Green Technologies, who began his career in the private sector in the fields of project engineering and renewables. His expertise lies in managing digitalisation projects as well as innovation initiatives.
Edoardo is a certified project manager and listed as an official Innovation Manager to the Italian Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT). He has more than 15 years’ experience in corporate finance, innovation management and development of research, innovation and internationalisation projects at international level.
Fabrizio is an Electronic Engineer with a master in Antitrust and Regulation of Transport, Energy and Telecommunication Markets. He has been working for the transport and environmental logistic sector for several years, gathering valuable and professional experience in the technical and managerial aspects of industrial production and logistic transportation. Since joining Aiscat Servizi as Project Manager in 2017, he has been supporting Italy’s highway concessionaires through transport infrastructure management and operation policy improvements and in the field of electronic tolling. He has also worked in various EU–funded projects in the field of asset management and road safety, including OMICRON.
Javier has a degree in Telecommunications and is a Senior Engineer in the Perception and Artificial Intelligence Unit at CATEC, participating in projects related to drones. With more than 10 years of experience with various companies, his work has always been related to computer vision and Artificial Intelligence and he has participated in the technical development of national and European R&D projects.
Celina is a building and sustainability expert with over three years’ experience as a Project Manager in Research & Innovation at RINA Consulting. She specialises in managing and coordinating European projects focused on building sustainability, energy efficiency and climate resilience. She holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Genoa and is a qualified professional engineer.
José is Assistant Professor (with habilitation) at the Department of Civil Engineering of the School of Engineering of University of Minho. He is Member of ISISE- Institute of Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering. He has undergraduate and graduate degrees in civil engineering, with his PhD focusing in the area of probabilistic safety assessment of existing structures.
David is an R&D engineer and the manager of the Innovation department at INSITU Engineering. He is experienced in project development within the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and innovation. His expertise encompasses aspects such as Artificial Intelligence, software development, database management, server deployment and cloud technologies.
Nuria is an architect with a strong foundation in BIM methodology. She works at Prointec as a BIM Manager, developing the corporate BIM methodology and providing support to the entire Indra Group, working on projects such as Rail Baltica and European innovation initiatives. Her focus is on the entire lifecycle of assets, from design to operation and maintenance, maximising the capabilities of BIM models. Additionally, she is involved in the development of digital twins, combining BIM and GIS to achieve a comprehensive and multi-scale representation of projects.
Israel holds an M.Sc. in Structures (2022) and has over six years of experience in the design of reinforced concrete and steel structures. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Granada and works in the Research and Development Department at CEMOSA, where he focuses on structural damage detection using system identification methods, machine learning techniques, and artificial intelligence.
Jia is Head of the Institute of Transportation Infrastructure Engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt. She studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Munich and obtained her PhD there. She then worked in the construction industry in Switzerland and Germany for around ten years before being appointed Professor of Transportation Infrastructure Engineering at TU Darmstadt in 2021.
Torsten is responsible for innovation and research projects at MOBA AG in Germany. He is particularly proud of his involvement in the ‘ROBOT 4.0’ project, which deals with autonomously working machines in road construction. He has a background in physics and started his career in sensor development with MOBA AG 24 years ago.
Ander holds an M.Sc. and a Ph.D in Computer Science. Since joining Tekniker he has accumulated over 15 years of experience in robotics research and currently serves as Coordinator of Robotics Research. He has participated in numerous European projects, including OMICRON, focusing on robotics, AI, data management, and mobile robot navigation. His work is complemented by contributions to peer-reviewed journals and international conferences.
Themis is an Electrical and Computer Engineer who has been a researcher at the Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS) at the University of Patras since 2022. His research focuses on engineering, particularly in robotics, with expertise in robotic software development, vision systems, robot perception and developing operator support applications using Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies.
António is an Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics, University of Minho, Portugal. He has been developing teaching and research activities in computer communications and networks since 1992. He is also a senior researcher at the ALGORITMI Research Center of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, with extensive publications in renowned international journals and conferences. His current research interests include vehicular networks, V2X communications, software-defined networks and the Internet of the Future. In the InfraROB project he worked on upgrading the traffic management system, specifically in V2X communication and analytics for safety.
Martín has an MSc in Civil Engineering. With over six years of professional experience, he serves as a researcher and project manager within the innovation team of INDRA’s Mobility Unit. His expertise spans Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and construction innovation. In the realm of construction, Martín supports the digital transformation of the sector through INDRA’s engineering subsidiary, PROINTEC. His involvement includes managing innovative projects such as OMICRON, aiming to modernise engineering processes and infrastructure management.
Yannis has been with Olympia Odos Operation SA since 2010, first as a Transportation Engineer and, since 2016, as Quality and Administrative Support Manager, responsible for traffic & revenues analysis, for KPI’s monitoring & reporting of toll collection, traffic management & safety, routine maintenance and customer service activities and of the QHSE activities.
Jose is Transport Infrastructure and Digitalisation area manager in the R&D department of CEMOSA, which provides engineering and quality control services in the field of civil, industrial and aeronautical engineering and architecture. He works in the field of transport infrastructures, focusing on the development of new digital technologies and the application of data science and artificial intelligence to enhance asset management and decision-support in infrastructures and mobility. He is the project coordinator of OMICRON, where CEMOSA has developed its in-house Digital Twin platform.
Claudia is a Project Officer with the European Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Executive Agency (CINEA). She holds a PhD from the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, where she also completed a degree in Engineering and Construction Management. With CINEA she oversees a diverse portfolio of projects in areas such as infrastructure, road safety and energy transition in ports. She manages calls for proposals, ensures the technical and financial success of projects and monitors their implementation under the H2020 and Horizon Europe frameworks. She also contributes to impact analysis, dissemination and collaboration with stakeholders. The OMICRON, InfraROB and HERON projects are among her current portfolio.
Session 1: Smart construction
Rita is Director of Innovation at Teixeira Duarte. She represents the company as President of the Portuguese Construction Technology Platform (PTPC), of the Portuguese Cluster AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction), and of Built CoLAB, as well as the Vice-Chair of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP),a Member of ECTPs Steering Committee, and Chair of its Digital Built Environment Committee. She is also a permanent member of the partnership board Built4People for Horizon Europe and a Member of the Council Board of ENCORD, the European Network of Construction for Research and Development.
Anibal is Director of the GRVC Robotics Lab at University of Seville, where he is a Doctor of Engineering and Professor of Robotics. He has also been a professor at the universities of Malaga and Santiago de Compostela on the Vigo campus, and has carried out research stays at the French CNRS and the Robotics Institute of the Carnegie Mellon University of the United States in Pittsburgh. Among others, he is also the Scientific Director of FADA-CATEC in Seville. He is currently, worldwide, the researcher with the most publications related to unmanned aerial vehicles and aerial robotics.
Hamidreza is a Research and Teaching Associate at the University of Cambridge, specialising in the integration of advanced technologies such as Digital Twins, Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) to enhance infrastructure management and sustainability. Previously, he served as an Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and he has collaborated on numerous international projects, including AEGIR and OMICRON, to develop innovative solutions for infrastructure challenges. With extensive experience in developing decision support systems, Hamidreza has led efforts to improve the efficiency and accessibility of road maintenance and inspection processes. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications and a book, showcasing his contributions to the digital transformation of the built environment.
Federico holds a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering and an M.Sc. in Road Transport Engineering. He is Head of Innovation, Study Center and European Projects within Autostrade per l’Italia Group, leading the way to foster innovation within the organisation. He previously led over 20 research projects at RINA, in the energy & transport domain, and managed R&D and business initiatives as Head of Strategic Projects at AISCAT in Italy, Europe and Western Balkans. Internationally, he contributed to ASECAP (European Association of Operators of Toll Road Infrastructures) and IBTTA (International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association) technical committees on technology and infrastructure. He also served the IBTTA Foundation as Board Member.
Saimir is a structural engineer with a Master degree in Structural Engineering from the University of Genoa. Since 2018, when he joined the Design Division of Rina Consulting his experience has been focused on the structural design, management and assessment of buildings and infrastructures. His activity has been mainly focused on Infrastructure assessment, retrofit and numerical modelling methods applied to bridge and building structures, improved and made more effective using programming languages.
He has a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering from the University of Genoa and experience participating in European research projects dealing with risk and resilience assessment of critical infrastructures.
Balázs is a software developer proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies, with 4+ years of professional experience in designing, developing and deploying robust Web applications. His achievements include developing an AI-powered speech recognition portal, building a customs clearance Web application and contributing to a data privacy portal. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Informatics from Corvinus University of Budapest and a passion for continuous learning.
With a background in Industrial Engineering, Paula has been a member of CEMOSA’s R&D department since May 2021, specialising in the transport infrastructures and mobility sector. Her work focuses on advancing digitalisation and monitoring technologies, particularly in structural health monitoring, data science, artificial intelligence, geographical data management, and programming. Additionally, she is actively involved in project management, contributing to the development of European and national research projects.
Muhammad is Adjunct Professor & Research Fellow at the University of Genoa, Italy. His main research interests are infrastructure maintenance planning and impact evaluation, transport modelling with autonomous vehicles, micro-mobility planning, transportation planning, sustainable urban mobility and agent-based travel demand modelling.
Nikos is a researcher at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and holds a PhD in machine learning, computer vision and signal processing. He has made significant contributions to fields such as the protection of water infrastructures through multimodal data fusion and adaptive deep learning, as well as the detection of anomalous events using advanced neural network models. With more than 30 publications in international journals and conferences, his work has been widely cited, showcasing its impact on the scientific community. Additionally, he has participated in European research projects focused on cybersecurity and the monitoring of critical infrastructures.
José Ramón holds a degree in Chemistry. He has worked in the asphalt pavement sector since 1994, joining Pavasal Empresa Constructora S.A.U. as Head of the Central Laboratory in the Quality Control department. Since 2011, he has led the company’s R&D&I Department, managing research projects, publishing technical articles, and presenting at industry conferences. In 2024, his team received the ACEX Award and the Juan Antonio Fernández del Campo International Road Innovation Award.
Joaquín is Scientific Coordinator of InfraROB H2020 project. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Vigo, where he also gained his degree as a Telecommunications Engineer with a specialisation in Electronics and a PhD-Doctor Europeus in Environmental Technology. He is Principal Investigator of e-Hydro and RoadS2Win, both national projects with a focus on Digital Twin technologies for infrastructure management, and, aimed at improving infrastructure maintenance with autonomous robotised solutions.
Rade is co-founder and President of the firm Infrastructure Management Consultants. After receiving his doctorate in 1990 at the ETH Zürich, he was employed by Emch + Berger AG before founding the firm Dr. J. Grob und Partner, which specialised in engineering structures construction, structural safety and computer-aided engineering solutions. In 2001 Dr. Hajdin became a Visiting Professor of Infrastructure Management at the University of Pennsylvania (USA).
Jesús is Chair of the OMICRON External Advisory Board (EAB) and similar groups of external experts that follow the results of European R&D projects on transport infrastructures, including Foresee (on resilience of networks of roads and railways); Liaison (for sustainability & circularity of roads and railways); Bridgitise (an industrial doctoral network on digitalised bridge lifecycle management). He is also Chairman of the Spanish Mirror Group Eurocode 2 on Concrete structures. He has previously been R&D Director of Dragados (ACS Group) and Associate professor in structures (UPM). He has a PhD in Civil Engineering.
Session 7: Future of safe and intelligent road management
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